Monday 28 November 2011

Lady Gaga

Fashion icon or style setter? I believe Lady Gaga to be a shock value style setter with her bizarre use of outfits like the above. But does she wear these outfits to get the public talking about her? This type of stunt draws a very predictable reaction from animal right groups seeking to capalize on the media. In which of course is going to give her bad reactions and also cause a lot of aggravation towards the public. Many people believe her to be attention seeking due to her dress sense. Lady Gaga at times can be a negative representation towards the younger audience as in the media i.e. like magazines we see her with barely no clothes on i.e. in a bra and skirt in which can be seen to parents and the younger generation as appalling.

 Many young teenage girls aspire to be like Lady Gaga and to know her ways with song and fashion. But is her fashion really appealing to the younger generation's eye? No. I believe that her fashion is negatively influencing younger people in the wrong direction to make them beleieve that it is the right thing to dress this way like the picture shown to the top left. But in other words she insipers the younger generation as she is showing them that they can dress however they like, which in some ways is a good thing as they can dress however they like, which in some ways is a good thing as they shouldn't hide their true identity.

A music industry revolutionary or Madonabe? Lady Gaga is a media industry revolution many say she's a Madonabe but in all honesty Lady Gaga look's, sounds and dresses nothing like Madonna. Yes she may dress strangely, but she is nothing like Madonna. Take for example her dress sense. Meat dresses, bra and skirt? We dont see Madonna dressed like this, do we? We need to face the facts that Lady Gaga is a music industry spectacular. She has a bizarre taste but everyone does, so what if her videos aren't appropriate that's just her style and that's how she wants to express herself.

The only thing that is similar about Lady Gaga and Madonna is there music. Many question who the original is in which of course is Madonna seeing as she has been in the music industry longer than Gaga? So how in what ways is Gaga copying Madonna? The only form of evidence in which I found was 'Born this way' in which the public decided that Lady Gaga had copied Madonna's 'Express Yourself'.
Music vs Fashion? When comparing Lady Gaga's music to her fashion. We see a whole different context or music and styles. Some of her dress sense is positive and the other is negative an example of this is her meat dress. This created much conflict towards the environment and many members of the public as they were distressted and appauled at her turning up in this and believed it to be attention seaking. But this is how she gets her publicity as this is how she wants to be seen upon the media. But then when we listen to her music or watch her videos we fall in love with the music as the lyrics and tune held within them is so uplifting and enjoyable to listen too. But then when we watch her videos we see her as weird and crazy as she creates films more than videos in which within the video is footage so obscure that we ask ourselves how does this relate to the lyrics etc.
Where is her music publicised? Lady Gaga's music has been publicized throughout the world. She is a worldwide known phenomenon. But how did she become like this? At a young age Gaga started off as a song writer for artists and groups such as Britney Spears and The Pussycat Dolls. At the age of 16 she then started singing in bars and clubs and was a great hit towards the public in these places. She then briefly signed a contract to Def Jam in which was a failure as no recordings came around. She then went onto Interscope as a song writer in which was for Britney Spears etc and began collaborating with Akon. Akon then sensed her talent and began promoting her career as a solo recording artist. In which is how and why she got to where she is today in which is a worldwide known phenomenon.

What methods are used to promote her? A variety of methods are used to promote Lady Gaga's music. Starting of with the following her dress sense. Lady Gaga dresses in her own way of how she wants to be seen to the public eye in which is unique. A prime example of Lady Gaga's dress sense is like the above or her 'meat dress' in which astounded many. But its stuff like this in which get the audience talking and paparazzi talking. Some bad and some good revolutions may occur but yet it still gets the audience talking about her and by doing this is making her more huger than she is already. When advertising her music advertisements occur in which show her videos for her music in which show the music in which she is promoting most of Lady Gaga's music videos are bizarre but that's why a majority of people adore her due to the madness in her videos. Most of Lady Gaga's videos symbolise fun and make us as an audience want to watch them over and over again. Publicitiy is the overall main way to how all celebrities are promoted as it shows the world who they are and what type of music they are producing.
How much has she sold? Due to Lady Gaga being known a sensation worlwide she has sold many tickets, albums and singles. Here are the following results in which I found that she has sold. She has sold about 75-80 million . 60 million Singles and 15 -20 million album worldwide. In which just goes to show the extent to which Lady Gaga has hit the world and how much her music is adored by the public with her upbeat music, wacky video's, and her mind blowing lyrics which are mind read by the public. Due to Lady Gaga being relatively new on the market she has made a big impact to the music society and just over a couple of years has now become known worldwide in which has taken some celebrities years upon years to become what she has become which is a world wide sensation with a bizzarre taste of style, fashion but yet thats what gets us as an audience talking about her, in which is how she got to where she is today.

What is her estimated worth? Lady Gaga's estimated worth is £110 million. This is due to the fact of how much she earns and due to her popularity throughout the world. She is an idol to many of all ages and sexes due to the fact that she is who she wants to be and dresses how she likes with not a care in the world, which is what a majority of the public like about her as she brings out a new dress sense everyday which shocks the world but yet still gets us talking about her. Her music video's also make her estimated worth as we see music video's only being a couple of minutes long but as of Lady Gaga being so different she turns her music video's into stories and sometimes even films, as of the duration of them and usually what's occurring within the video has nothing to do with what she is singing.